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Reviews of Glarry GV200 Antiqued Matte Solid Wood Violin 4/4 Full Size
4.8 5 78

Customer Reviews(78)

by Y***s

on January 12, 2025

At first I did not have much hope when buying such a cheap violin since I have been playing the piano for 4 years and I know the importance of having a quality instrument but in the end it exceeded all my expectations. It only took about 15 minutes to have the violin completely ready to play. I started playing and I started taking classes with a teacher and I haven't had any problems and also if you know how to tune it well you will stay in tune all week

by W***m

on November 22, 2024

Great beginner violin! Came with everything I needed to get started.

by A***r

on April 30, 2024

It's one of my favorite instruments. I have not put it down yet I play it everyday and it has good sound good quality and I'm surprised that it is very well and staying in tune. I will definitely buy more from this company.

by K***n

on April 13, 2024

Surprised me!

by D***g

on April 10, 2024

For beginners, good craftsmanship.

by B***h

on March 24, 2024

I bought it for myself. But if my grandchild wanted to try the violin, I would buy this for her again.

by L***d

on March 21, 2024

The first thing I noticed is that it is very light. It's beautiful antiqued matte - this is endearing to my daughter. The violin came with a shoulder rest, a bow, and a case. The case is decent. Overall, it's worth.

by D***o

on March 03, 2024

Purchased for my little brother. Perfect for beginners!

by L***o

on February 27, 2024

After a quick setup and rosining of the bow I tested out the sound, and it's really not a bad sounding instrument. It was a little persnickety to tune, but as long as you get it close to the note the microtuners did their job adequately. I don't see a beginner violinist having a hard time playing this so long as you have someone who knows what they are doing set it up. It's no Stradivarius, but it will get the job done and look pretty doggone cool doing it.

by L***o

on February 27, 2024

After a quick setup and rosining of the bow I tested out the sound, and it's really not a bad sounding instrument. It was a little persnickety to tune, but as long as you get it close to the note the microtuners did their job adequately. I don't see a beginner violinist having a hard time playing this so long as you have someone who knows what they are doing set it up. It's no Stradivarius, but it will get the job done and look pretty doggone cool doing it.

by r***h

on February 18, 2024

Very nice quality for beginner

by R***s

on February 15, 2024

I have no experience with other brands and I never used a violin before so I can't tell if it is the best or not, but so far so good. I found some cheaper options but I I am happy with the quality and durability this one.

by T***n

on February 06, 2024

I got it for my kid to use it in the school band so far she loves it

by A***a

on January 31, 2024

Bought this for my 15 year old and was not disappointed. With a teacher to help her she was able to learn basics and play on it.

by A***s

on January 27, 2024

I got the Glarry because my older student had one and it was GREAT!

by O***y

on January 20, 2024

Good beginner violin

by C***n

on January 14, 2024

This violin surpassed my expectations.

by s***t

on January 06, 2024

My son is beginner, he said it's good. Price is very inexpensive for what u will get.

by E***r

on January 02, 2024

If u are reading this, you are researching to find the best. This is a beautiful well made product.

by F***e

on December 26, 2023

WYSIWYG! This is a substantial find.

by S***e

on December 22, 2023

I bought this violin for my daughter and she's been playing it for almost 5 months now. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on her first violin, not knowing whether she would stick with it or not. The sound quality isn't bad and it's been holding up quite well. I do have plans to purchase a better quality violin but this was a great one to start with.

by t***s

on December 14, 2023

Hey you Glarry must be good we keep coming back by and more five stars

by Y***D

on December 10, 2023

Good for beginning kids. THE CUTIEST. NICELY MADE.

by R***n

on November 26, 2023

Great for beginners, wonderful instruction for new learners. Great quality.

by A***p

on November 15, 2023

Seems like a good starter violin, which is exactly what it was purchased to be.

by R***a

on November 13, 2023

I'd say this gets a 4.5 maybe a 5. For the price of a violin this is cheap. The bridge has to set up myself to avoid damage when shipped. But no problem just youtube a video theres one out there for this exact kind. One problem while tuning the G didn want to stay in the peg as well as the peg not wanting to stay in so I had to try and push and tighten so it would stay which meant tuning with the fine tuners.

by N***B

on October 24, 2023

Very beautiful violin! I haven't tried it yet, but the finish is smooth and worth the price.

by d***e

on October 22, 2023

We bought better strings and it sounded much better. great instrument for the price.

by S***y

on October 16, 2023

We donated them to our local grade school, where they will find use and make a positive difference in a child's life.

by S***k

on October 04, 2023

These are for beginners to learn on. If your child is just starting to learn the violin, you are good to buy this.

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