July 19, 2021
I got my new 502 same day I was going to change strings trying to remove the pins I removed four of them with success the last two a and E string would not come out I end up breaking two of the pins off I tried to go up through the bottom but I was afraid I was going to bust the entire case I contacted Glarry but they did not want to help me, it's a shame because I have already purchased three Glarry guitars you think they would back their customers a little bit better this will be my last purch ...
I got my new 502 same day I was going to change strings trying to remove the pins I removed four of them with success the last two a and E string would not come out I end up breaking two of the pins off I tried to go up through the bottom but I was afraid I was going to bust the entire case I contacted Glarry but they did not want to help me, it's a shame because I have already purchased three Glarry guitars you think they would back their customers a little bit better this will be my last purchase..... my advice is do not purchase the 502 someone had wrongfully installed the pins it looked like they pushed them down in and got the string and pins in a bind it also looks like it might have been a little bit of moisture involved because the pins that I managed to pull up look like they had been stuck with some kind of glue water like it's a bad deal all the way around this will hurt their business eventually.....
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