Overall, I have a positive impression of this product, but I did notice that the wooden component chips rather quickly. Apart from that, all other aspects are satisfactory.
I bought this saxophone for my grandson who is just starting out with the instrument. He's really enjoying it! It's easy for him to play and has a nice tone. The gold finish looks great too!
Overall, I'm happy with this saxophone. It's well-made and produces a good sound. My only complaint is that it's a bit heavy, but that's a minor issue.
I found the saxophone a bit difficult to tune at first, but with some practice, I was able to get it to sound great. It may not be the easiest instrument to play, but it's definitely worth the effort.
I was excited to receive my new saxophone, but the shipping took longer than expected and the packaging was a bit damaged upon arrival. Fortunately, the instrument itself was unharmed.