I got this for my son, but I've been using it too! The headphones are perfect for keeping the noise down. Great quality, and it arrived well before the estimated date. No complaints at all! My partner, who's a musician, chose it.
My daughter is just starting out and had never played before. The light-up keys really help her follow along. She's picking it up fast and loves playing! The sound is fantastic, and the included accessories are a nice touch.
Perfect for beginners! The piano has a wonderful sound. The stand and chair are compact and fit perfectly in my teenager's room. The headphones allow the player to listen without disturbing others.
Ideal for my needs! The price of this keyboard and everything it includes is fantastic. It's user-friendly, and all features are fully functional. I haven't used the microphone, as I don't need it for my purposes. I'm using this keyboard to practice mallet keyboard parts for our city band, and it serves this purpose perfectly.
Excellent buy! The size is perfect for my 9-year-old and me (I'm 5 feet tall) to sit and learn as beginners. The keyboard is of great quality, with all keys working perfectly. The volume can go quite high, and I appreciate that it comes with headphones! Overall, it's in great condition and easy to set up.
Ideal for student use! This keyboard is specifically designed for learning and is not intended for performances. It doesn't even have a pedal jack, which keeps things simple and straightforward for students. This simplicity helps focus on learning without distractions like playing only popular songs.
Its affordability, choice between adapter or battery power, and lightweight design make it a great instrument for traveling.