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The real highlight of the GST3 guitar is... Let's find out!!

November 29, 2021


Passionate about Strat-Style but on a budget? Addicted to guitar modding, but can't find the right guitar? Maybe you can take a look at our Glarry GST3, which is an eye-catching alternative to traditional STRAT. It is only half the price and is very suitable for project guitars. Let's dig into this stunning guitar.


The 3 single coil pickups and a 5-way selector switch provide you with all the stereotypical Strat tones you’d expect.

The bridge pickup and nearby out of phase mode is all treble, and was very tinny and thin. The neck setting is all bass heavy. The middle pickup is kind of a mix of the two and actually good, as it had the best EQ mix between mids, highs, and lows.


All 22 frets are easy to access. Tuning stability is not bad, just take a few minutes to get it to stay in tune. The action out of the box is actually fantastic. If you are interested in modification, you can improve the tuning stability by upgrading the bridge, tuners and nut.


The finish was actually gorgeous, especially when paired with the pearl pick-guard.

Great Value for The Money

This is where the GST3 guitar really shines. The real value here is if you’re a somewhat experienced player and buy this guitar as a project guitar. Or if you’re looking to practice your guitar tech skills such as soldering in new pickups, swapping hardware, or replacing the neck, this is the perfect guitar to learn on. You'll not regret purchasing this instrument at the end of the day.

Click here if you want one: Glarry GST3 Electric Guitar

If you have any questions or suggestions, please fell free to contact us. Our email address is: [email protected]. Thank you for your attention!

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